HOW TO Contribute to the open source code:

here is the open source code of the plugin:

It is design for the 5.3 version of unreal engine. If you want to contribute, please create a branch from the develop branch and code what you want, then merge to develop when you have finished.

You can create a pull request to merge your code into the main branch if you believe your code improves the plugin. Your code will then be reviewed by our team, and if approved, it will be merged into the main branch. Don't forget to comment on your code and indicate your contribution.


If you downloaded the plugin from the Unreal Engine marketplace, install it from the Epic Games launcher on the engine version of your choice and proceed to step 3


If you get the packaged plugin from the Git Hub repo, follow those steps :

1/ DownLoad the last package et dezip


2/ If your project is a blueprint only follow those steps (else, skip this step and go to step 3)

Create an empty C++ class to convert it as a C++ projet: